
RecycleThis! was created at the end of 2020 when the TVP team decided to collect gently-used and new items to have ready for any SVCC disasters. In 4 days, word-of-mouth only produced over 2,000 items! What's more surprising... those pieces were donated knowing we are not tax-exempt!

Today, we are excited to stand up our online store containing those (available/not donated to current disasters) items for sale to help fund our filing fees and cover operating costs. Our goal is to be ready to respond within hours of a disaster.

In addition to donated items, we offer products and services from approved SVCC owned/operated businesses. For example: a Dacula barbershop owner started cutting hair when stationed on a ship overseas. He brought that experience stateside and opened his first barbershop in Dacula, Georgia.

Unlike Goodwill, RecycleThis! best feature is the ability to track where each item goes. Looking in the item's description, click the link on the 'TVP item #' then see where the item was sold or donated along with any additional details provided, if the item is no longer available.

SVCC = Service member, Veteran/retiree, Caregiver/spouse and their Children

Honor Wall

Our online Honor Wall honors our nation's heroes one salute at a time.

Click here to see our Honor Wall honoring our heroes.

To salute your hero... click here Contact to fill out the information. If you do not have a honor card, fill out the information as best as possible. TVP volunteers will reach out to you for service branch information. Otherwise, click anywhere on the background picture to return the main screen.

To submit a Honor Card, fill out the below information:


Employment for veterans and their family members remains drastically high today. For our heroes able to find a job, they face a number of challenges within the company's culture.
As job descriptions continue to morph (for example: secretary = administrative assistant or janitor = custodian worker), the hiring process is a struggle.

Submit feedback

Our online community is vital to us. We welcome all feedback to help improve our community members.

We continue to expand our services. Be sure to check out Our Story for the latest information.

Submit SVCC Business

SVCC businesses are the backbone of who we are. We aim to bring together our businesses unify in strength.

We continue to expand our services. Be sure to check out Our Story for the latest information.

About Us

Our goal is stop military suicides, one hero at a time. Since our inception, we started out providing a single source of links for assistance.

The next phase of our website included the ability to find immediate assistance without searching thru endless links. Also, we want to ensure someone will always be there for every person in trouble and/or in need.

Here is an interactive chat window. If you or someone you know is suffering, be sure to click "Yes" and follow the links for one-click phone numbers and other online connections to qualified people ready to serve. Most sites are supported by fellow veterans who have survived the worst to help their brothers and sisters.

The Veterans Portal is built on volunteers. We work hard to address any questions, comments and/or concerns as quickly and effectively as possible.

Our Story

For events and details on our timeline, click here

Sadly, we know how it feels to find vital information to save a fallen warrior's life too late. Our Founder lost a very close family member in December 2015. As she struggled to accept her loss, she embedded herself into the unknown world of military suicides. Having zero experience or exposure, she was not prepared for the data she would uncover. From broken families to bullied children, her eyes were opened to a very painful world.

A 25+ year experienced IT professional, our Founder decided to do something about the pain and suffering.

Phase One: Provide one place to find helpful links. From homelessness to jobs, our heroes need a fast and trusted source for assistance.

Phase Two: Create a chat-like interface making the search for assistance even easier and faster.

Phase Three: Collect and recycle supplies from clothing and blankets to any other items donated for our cause. As Goodwill is a known-source for secondhands, their nonprofit mission seems to be shaded. From lack of veteran jobs to rising prices for used goods, the current donations store is losing its ability to provide for our heroes and their families.

Today, our Founder and a team of strong members kick off 2021 with a bang. With an updated communications window and over 1,300 items of clothing collected in 4 days, The Veterans Portal is ready to take its local, small-town services to the country.

Will you join us in our mission to make life in America easier?

About Us: We have no competitors. Instead, we view every link as a potential fresh start for another family. We aim to partner up with as many foundations as possible to help spread their and our word: help those who protect and protected us. This website is the start of our promise made to our lost warriors. We hope you never know what it feels like to find the information too late.